President & CEO
I have a passion to see people meet Jesus and get to know God. Why? Because for years I was one of those guys who tried to follow all the rules, do everything right, and I even had some success. In the end though, my focus on “being right” led me to actually behave as if “I was always right”. I was no fun to be around. God in his mercy let things fall apart, and then met me in my brokenness.
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I have been fortunate to work in Corporate America, with my last position leading the organization that cared for the nuclear power plants of our nation’s fleet of nuclear submarines. I also had the privilege of working in the Church as a full time Pastor for 12 years.
Today, I serve as the chief executive officer of The Pocket Testament League, where I get to lead this global movement of Christ-followers who are sharing Jesus in His own Words.
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Vice President of Advancement
Patrick is a dynamic and results-driven advancement professional, with over 20 years of executive leadership experience in nonprofit, faith-based, and economic sectors. He is deeply passionate about leveraging his skills to serve international Christian organizations to uplift themost vulnerable in our world.
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He leads The Pocket Testament League’s advancement department, helping partners in over 100 countries across the globe reach the lost with the Gospel of John. Their goal is to reach 20 million people this year and 1 billion people in the next 10 years.
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National Director of Stewardship
Keith has a background in a variety of national and international roles in the fields of nonprofit leadership, academia, and fundraising; as well as ministerial roles including serving domestically as a pastor and internationally as a missionary. Keith is excited to bring those skills and experiences to the PTL team in hopes of greater Kingdom advancement. Keith and his wife and two kids reside in North County San Diego.
Christian Smith
Director of International Partnerships & Operations
I am a firm believer that Christ-followers have a role to play in introducing people to Jesus. Regardless of title or position, it is my personal mission to show the love of Jesus to everyone I meet. I am grateful to be used by God in serving the day-to-day operations of The Pocket Testament League.
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I am thankful for the opportunity that The Pocket Testament League has given me to work with some of the most incredible servants of God both domestically and around the world and I count it a privilege to come to work each morning.
My background is in serving and working with others in varying degrees of project management and leadership. It is important for me to take each day as a gift from God and use it to further His Kingdom through distributing God’s Word.
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Kristin Martin
Director of Marketing
At The Pocket Testament League, we love God, love people, and love God’s Word. With a heart for Christ, I am privileged to serve in the role of Director of Marketing, dedicated to sharing the message of hope and equipping believers to Read, Carry, and Share the Word—one pocket-sized Gospel at a time.
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As a digital native with a heart for Christ. I’m passionate about spending my time elevating God’s Kingdom. My greatest joy in working with The Pocket Testament League is knowing that God’s Word is going forth every day.
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Director of Integration and Technology
Interim Director of Membership
Colossians 3:23-24 has always been a favorite passage of mine. I desire above all to glorify God through our work at The League, and to inspire and partner with League Members to share The Gospel with those who do not know Jesus.
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I have been fortunate to work in the corporate world of fundraising agencies and to now apply what I have learned through experience to Gospel work.
In leading our marketing and fundraising efforts, I strive to be authentic in our communications, to benefit our members by providing value in every touch point we have with them, and to empower human connections through powerful storytelling to move people to action.
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Managing Director of Stewardship and Outdoor Odyssey
I believe in the power of God’s Word and must admit, I’m partial to the book of John. My life has been bookended with the Gospel of John. As a child, an evangelist shared the Gospel of John with me and I accepted Christ as my Personal Savior. As a mature adult, God has called me to The Pocket Testament League to share Jesus’ story and to help others share His story through the PTL Gospel of John.
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I’ve been blessed to work in several different ministry capacities over the years, which has cultivated my deep passion for connecting people to possibilities.
Now, as The League’s Chief Stewardship Officer, I work hard to give my brothers and sisters in Christ, the opportunity to be blessed through giving. We pray that you would allow The Pocket Testament League to come alongside of your Great Commission effort.
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