Evangelism Today

Personal Work In A Post-Modern World

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 6

Part 6. One area of concern, for people who are challenged by the Bible, are the miracles it reports. We can still engage this question while aiming to to bring people to Jesus.  

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 5

Part 5. The question of Creation or Evolution is one that can be contentious. How we handle answering this question is important because the evolution versus creation debate is one of the enemy’s tactics to get people to doubt the Bible, and in the end reject God.

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 4

Part 4. One of the many ways the enemy isolates a person from considering the Bible is by picking at the Bible. Let’s dig into the question, “How do I speak with someone who is challenging the Old Testament?”

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 3

Part 3. You know the Bible is true, and God is all-powerful. You can be confident and loving from this position while sharing your faith with others who question that truth.

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 2

Part 2. As we start having conversations with people about our faith, it is natural for them to ask us why we believe the Bible. My answer to that question is this, the second in our nine-part series.

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – Part 1

Part 1. In this series, you (and me) are going to trying to find avenues into people’s hearts and minds, not compromising Biblical truth, but praying about how and when to take people the next step.

Sharing Your Faith – And Your Bible – A 9-Part Series

Many of us, as we try and share our faith, are concerned that we are not prepared to answer questions asked by people who do not follow Jesus, people who have shaped their beliefs from the wider world.

Dreaming of Easter Conversations (part 3 of 3) — Pursuing Intentionally with Love

Easter is days away. You and I have been thinking about the person(s) we would love to have a conversation with about Jesus. It is time to share.

Dreaming of Easter Conversations (part 2 of 3) — Preparing Our Hearts

Let’s look at Jesus. His ability to engage others is amazing. Why? Because his heart is pure and overflowing. When I look at Jesus, and then look at myself, I see “three separate parts of me” that I must work on.