Helping You Expand Your Kingdom Legacy!   

Would you like to continue to have Kingdom Impact well beyond your years here on the earth?  We appreciate this subject is a very personal matter. We would be honored to confidentially assist you in praying, thinking, and working through your Legacy Plan. 

Our Stewardship/Legacy Planning has a number of tools and instruments to assist you in maximizing your impact. But first, we want to share our foundational beliefs for this area—they are rooted in Scripture. 


Stewardship is the practice of managing God’s given resources, in recognition of God’s ownership and in obedience to God’s desire and plan, for the use of building and furthering His work here on earth. (Psalm 24:1, I Chronicles 29:11; Romans 11:36) 


  1. God expects a return on His interests and investments.
  2. To do nothing with God’s resources is a great sin.
  3. God gives to each one according to that person’s ability: (Matthew 25: 14-30)


God desires a cheerful giver. (II Corinthians 9:7) 

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34) 

Our heart is to confidentially assist you in achieving your Kingdom goals. 

Have you ever thought about ensuring your heart’s desires are cared for when you go to Heaven? Have you ever thought about how to make sure your family and your ministries are cared for when Jesus calls you home?     

Most people don’t like to think about that part of their future, but it is an important act of stewardship.    

Because most people don’t like to think about this part of their life, most people do not have a written Will. 

What happens when we do not have a Will? The government decides.   

The government will decide how to distribute all that has accumulated over their lifetime and do what the government thinks is best, and it will not include the ministries that have been supported during their lifetime. 

A Will as an important Stewardship Tool to ensure that all that God gave you during your lifetime is given to those you love and the ministries you love just the way you want. 

Getting started can be hard. We would be honored to serve you. 

We know this is your personal and private stewardship, and we respect that. Because you are a cherished member of our League family, our desire is to provide the tools and information you need or want to accomplish your plan. Our interactions with you will always be confidential. 

We are not attorneys, but we work with our League family and their representatives to help them think through things and prepare for their future. We can help prepare information for you to go to see your attorney or help you find a Christian attorney who can help you establish a Will.  

Dr. Rich Wilson, on our Staff, has helped scores of people think and work through their Legacy and Stewardship Plan and provided summary information to them so they could go to their attorney.   

Click Here to send Dr. Wilson an email and he will reach out to you.

  • Scripture Distribution Fund 

Perhaps you have heard of ministries that have departed from their original mission? Today, this Mission Drift is a real concern to many people who are planning their Legacy. 

In response, The Pocket Testament League has created a very unique fund, The Scripture Distribution Fund. 

Simply stated, gifts to the Scripture Distribution Fund can only be used for the direct costs of printing and distributing God’s Word—both in print and digitally 

Additionally, the Scripture Distribution Fund must, each year, use part of the core fund. This safeguard ensures that a large endowment is not created, but instead gifts to this fund are used promptly to share God’s Word.  

If you are interested in learning more about this innovative and exciting tool, Dr. Rich Wilson, on our Staff, has helped scores of people think and work through their Legacy and Stewardship Plan and provided summary information to them so they could go to their attorney.   

Click Here to send Dr. Wilson an email and he will reach out to you.

  • Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) 

For many years, families have used tools to pass on their wealth to both bless ministries and receive income while they are alive, all while minimizing taxes.  

Have you ever heard about a Charitable Gift Annuity?     

It’s a very special gift that you can make to your favorite ministry that gives back an income to you.    

Many of the League’s friends have taken and rolled over their CD’s, appreciated assets, and their mandatory IRA withdrawals into Charitable Gift Annuity and gained the benefit of helping provide more gospels today as well as receive a steady income for the rest of their life and gain some huge tax benefits in the process.    

We call it a Stewardship Advantaged Charitable Gift Annuity. It helps you gain the benefit of seeing your gifts in action while you live and still receive a steady income for the rest of your life. Depending on your age, CGA’s rates can run anywhere from 4.5% – 7+ %.    

We know this is your personal and private stewardship, and we respect that. Because you are a cherished member of our The League family, our desire is to provide the tools and information you need or want to accomplish your plan. Our interactions with you will always be confidential. 

We are not attorneys, but we work with our The League family and their representatives to help them think through things and prepare for their future. We can provide an illustration of how a Charitable Gift Annuity works, blessing both you and the ministries you love.  

Dr. Rich Wilson, on our Staff, has helped scores of people think and work through their Legacy and Stewardship Plan and provided summary information to them, so they could go to their attorney or financial advisors. 

Click Here to send Dr. Wilson an email and he will reach out to you. 


  • Charitable Remainder Trust  

For many years, families have used tools to pass on their wealth to both bless ministries and receive income while they are alive, all while minimizing taxes.  

Have you ever heard about a Charitable Remainder Trust?     

Maybe you have heard about different types of trusts, or perhaps the idea of a trust can be intimidating. 

Many people create trusts to take care of their families in the future, giving them money sometime in the future. Assets are held in trust and managed by a designated trustee.   

A Charitable Remainder Trust is managed by a trustee with the intent of providing for your charity and ministry.     

Why create such a Trust? A Charitable Remainder Trust is often used for larger sums of money or assets. These assets can be a business, or a piece of property, or any appreciated asset. These trusts often are used to address Captial Gains Tax Implications. 

In total, the benefit of a Charitable Remainder Trust allows you to provide for your favorite ministries’ future(s) and still receive a steady, tax-leveraged income from it for a period of time.   

There are two Charitable Remainder Trusts that the Pocket Testament League has helped its Stewardship Partners with – a Charitable Annuity Trust and a Charitable Remainder Unitrust. 

  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT) –  

A CRAT is a stewardship tool that provides a fixed income over your lifetime. Usually funded with larger sums of money, businesses, properties, and appreciated assets. It leverages your tax liabilities and provides an immediate charitable deduction while giving to your favorite ministries and charities. It is a powerful legacy and stewardship tool.   

  • Charitable Remainder Uni-Trust (CRUT) –  

CRUT is a stewardship tool that provides a variable income over your lifetime. Usually funded with larger sums of money, businesses, properties, and appreciated assets. It leverages your tax liabilities and provides an immediate charitable deduction while giving to your favorite ministries and charities. It is a powerful legacy and stewardship tool.   

We know this is your personal and private stewardship, and we respect that. Because you are a cherished member of our The League family, our desire is to provide the tools and information you need or want to accomplish your plan. Our interactions with you will always be confidential. 

Dr. Rich Wilson, on our Staff, has helped scores of people think and work through their Legacy and Stewardship Plan and provided summary information to them so they could go to their attorney.   

Would you be interested in having Dr. Rich Wilson give you a call and give you an illustration of how it might work for and benefit you? 

Click here to send Dr. Wilson an email and he will reach out to you.

Maybe God has blessed you in ways that you could never have imagined and now you want to use that abundance for God’s glory but aren’t sure just what you want to give now or want to have time to think about how to give or when to give.    

A donor advised fund is a powerful stewardship tool that will allow you to exercise great stewardship and use it as an educational tool for family and others to teach stewardship principles creating multi-generational Kingdom Legacy. It has immediate tax benefits and allows you to give anonymously.   

We know this is your personal and private stewardship, and we respect that.  Because you are a cherished member of our The League family, our desire is to provide the tools and information you need or want to accomplish your plan. Our interactions with you will always be confidential. 

We can help prepare information for you to go to someone like the people at the National Christian Foundation, Eden Bridge Foundation, or others who can help you establish a Donor Advised Fund. 

Dr. Rich Wilson, on our Staff, has helped scores of people think and work through their Legacy and Stewardship Plan.  Would you be interested in having Dr. Rich Wilson give you a call and give you an illustration of how it might work for and benefit you? 

Click here to contact Dr. Wilson and he will reach out to you.


Ready to get started? 

Complete this form to connect with Dr. Rich Wilson and learn more about stewardship planning and leaving a Kingdom legacy in your own terms.