Have you been wondering if simply handing someone a pocket-sized Gospel of John really works? We survey the Christ-followers who are getting it done—inviting others to meet Jesus through His Word every day—and the results speak for themselves. It really does work!

Do > Talk

PTL members are very active in church attendance. Slightly more than 92% of PTL members attended church in the past month other than for holiday services or a special event such as a wedding or funeral. This is in contrast to Barna respondents that about 43 percent of ‘Born Again’ persons have attended church in the past month.

Results Matter

PTL enhances the abilities of persons to evangelize. Over three fourths (76%) of PTL members report that PTL has improved their understanding of evangelism and ability to share the faith. Fully 87 percent of PTL member feel somewhat or very equipped to share the Gospel with anyone.

NPS = Net Promoter Score

PTL members rate the League very highly as a trusted authority on Evangelism. More than 91 percent of PTL members agree or strongly agree that PTL is a trusted authority and PTL is rated 74% Net Promoter Score.